This series of photographs is an exploration of the forms that exist briefly
before the rational mind and its protective familiarity take control, those
fragmentary, elusive and semi-visible aspects of experience.
The figure, captured in all of these images, is a conduit for the short chaos
that precedes daydreams, moments of unease in nature, narratives that
struggle with articulation.
The title of this work comes from a story in which the intangible and the
imaginary shock wakeful existence. Gradiva then is an accidental muse, a
woman named after the god of war walking into battle, who steps between the
real and the imaginary.
This series of photographs is an exploration of the forms that exist briefly
before the rational mind and its protective familiarity take control, those
fragmentary, elusive and semi-visible aspects of experience.
The figure, captured in all of these images, is a conduit for the short chaos
that precedes daydreams, moments of unease in nature, narratives that
struggle with articulation.
The title of this work comes from a story in which the intangible and the
imaginary shock wakeful existence. Gradiva then is an accidental muse, a
woman named after the god of war walking into battle, who steps between the
real and the imaginary.